Year by Year



This year I have blossomed, and made my debut.

My first name is “Baron”, but I’ll answer to “Boo”,

“Moon-Doggy”, the “Big Head”, and sweet “Rooby-Roo”,

My Canine Good Citizen test was a breeze,

10 steps towards perfection, and I did it with ease.

Then on to Therapy Dog designation,

I sat, stayed, and heeled, without hesitation.

Of course, I am cheerful to all that I meet,

My nature is friendly, and I’m awful sweet.

I’m overall gentle, but I know what to do,

When alerted to danger, I sound the big WOOFY-WOO.

My buddy is Buster, my older lab brother,

We play till exhaustion, ‘cause we love one another.

But when I get bored, I leap after my tail,

One day I will catch it, ‘round and ‘round I’ll prevail.

I guess what I’d like you to know most of all,

I am loved very much, and I’m having a ball!

Love, Baron

Dear Bartons,

Happy Birthday to Me, Today I am 3,

No longer a puppy, but a BIG BOY, you see

My Mom is so sad ‘cause I’m finally mature,

I had to convince her life still is a blur.

The hospital patients, they know me so well,

They pet me and “treat” me, gosh, it’s really swell!

My favorite place to rest my big head,

Is with Mom & Dad on their soft sleeping bed.

My only small problem, not for Faint of Heart,

Is the gas from my bottom, I think they’re called farts.

My big brother, Buster, he’s my bestest bud,

We love to get dirty and roll in the mud.

My life is just great, you really should know,

Things couldn’t be better as I learn and grow.


Baron Counselman

HappyBirthday to me, today I am 4,

It’s my year to blossom, bark, bellow, and roar.

I’m awfully well known in hospitals here,

When I come to visit, everyone cheers.

“There’s Baron”, they say, “Aw, isn’t he sweet”,

Gosh, tell me more, and please give me a treat.

A picture of me for a contest this summer,

Did well, but good grief! A cat won - what a bummer!

I’m not kissy kissy, but you know where I am,

On your feet, in your lap, anywhere I can cram.

My big brother Buster is my bestest friend,

Whatever I need, he’ll be there ‘til the end.

My Mom and my Dad are so very impressed,

They’ve seen other Swissys, but think I am THE BEST.

This year has been great, and I’ve been a good boy,

I’m loving my life, with lots more to enjoy.

~Thank you Barton’s for your love and support~


Baron Counselman

Happy Birthday to me, today I am five,

A big, gorgeous swissy, I leap, jump, and jive.

The year started grim, as the vet cleaned my teeth,

Who knew all that brown goop went deep underneath?

I’m fierce, and I’m brave, you should hear my big bray,

Just don’t put that scary clothes bin in my way.

It sits at the top of the stairs filled with clothes,

I consider it one of my very worse foes.

I won’t go around it, or near it, you see,

I need the Dog Whisperer (yes, yes!) to help me.

In the meantime, I am the best therapy boy,

The little kids love me, and I bring them joy.

They look in my eyes, and we have a chat,

Then on my big head goes their favorite hat.

My big brother Buster still watches my back,

With my Mom and my Dad, we make quite a pack.

Gosh, maybe someday we’ll all get to meet,

I think you’ll agree that I’m awfully sweet.

Happy Birthday to me, today I am five,

I’m healthy and happy, and continue to thrive.

~Thank you Bartons for your love and support~


Baron Counselman

Dear Bartons,

Happy Birthday to me, today I am six,

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

While taking long walks, my pads started to bleed,

So on went new booties, and UP went my speed.

My Mom started walking some dogs for a job,

The first one came home and joined our wild mob.

Rocket’s his name, he’s now one of us fellas,

When he gets attention, I get kind of jealous.

In pet therapy, I hit a big landmark this year,

My 150 visits have spread lots of cheer.

“Oh Baron” they say, “You’re such a sweet dear”,

Golly, gosh, there’s only so much of me here.

My health has been great, despite back left leg woes,

When you get old, that’s just how it goes.

I remain in great spirits, after all, I AM KING,

Quite frankly, I worry about not a thing.

Happy Birthday to me, today I am six,

Still learning new things, and chasin’ the chicks.

Thank you Bartons for your Love and Support.

Love, Baron

Dear Bartons,

Happy Birthday to me, today I am seven,

I’m proud and I’m bold, and my engine is revvin’.

We’ve had lots of new folks move into our hood,

I give them my WOOFY, so it’s understood.

That I’m KING OF THE LAND, so listen up,

I’m watchin you closely, I ain’t no dumb pup.

When I hear “Baron Come!” I’ll give you THE STARE,

I know what you want, but I really don’t care.

I like to chew rawhides, once did it so quick,

It got stuck in my tummy, and made me real sick.

My Mom said “No More” and I follow her laws,

It’s O.K., ‘cause I get ice cold Frosty Paws.

I’m holding my weight at one hundred and thirty,

I’m big and I’m strong, my back legs are sturdy.

I love my long walks with our family of five,

I love my pet therapy, it continues to thrive.

I’m a lovable guy, just a gently old soul,

To enjoy my great life is my #1 goal.

Happy Birthday to me, today I am seven,

Don’t be alarmed , it beats turning eleven!

Thank you Bartons for your love and support

Love, Baron

Happy Birthday to me, today I am eight,

When you’re part of my family, life is just great.

I’m still very healthy, although I have slowed,

After all, I am carrying quite a big load.

Snoozing all day has become my new goal,

‘Cause now that I’m older, that’s just how I roll.

My Mom planted flowers and trees that stood,

But after I peed on them, they don’t look so good.

When you sit on the couch, I like to me near,

My head in your lap, or you might get my rear.

I did a good thing in pet therapy this year,

With 250 visits, I’ve brought so much cheer.

I know that I’ve helped lots of sick people heal,

Gosh, it was fun, and it’s not a big deal.

Happy Birthday to me, today I am eight,

Good things lay ahead, and I cannot wait!

Thank you Bartons for your love and support.

Love, Baron

Happy Birthday to me, today I am nine,

I get better with years, just like a good wine.

I like to be with you, and rest at your feet,

If you get on the couch, I will take the next seat.

If you go upstairs, I will follow you there,

When you get into bed, I know that you’ll share.

Just please move on over ‘cause I’m awfully big,

Sleeping with you is something I dig.

Pet therapy still is a passion of mine,

I’m a good boy and continue to shine.

My favorite part is when we are done,

My Mom gives me treats, gosh that is so fun.

You wouldn’t believe I’m an old fella now,

I’m a beautiful boy, most people say “WOW!”

Happy Birthday to me, today I am nine,

I’m happy and healthy and doing just fine.

Thank you Bartons for your love and support.

Love, Baron

Happy Birthday to me, today I am 10,

You’d never know it’s my big day again.

I’m still lookin’ good, not a grey hair in sight,

Good food, happy days, my life is alright.

If I had to name my most favorite food,

Gosh, that would be hard ‘cause I’d have to include:

Cheese, treats and carrots, they top my list,

Frosty Paws are a must, yes those I insist.

Sleeping and napping, they are number one,

A walk and a big poop, gee, that’s so much fun.

My Mom takes me now for a body rub down,

I sleep and then snore, it’s the best gig in town!

Although I have slowed, my pet therapy remains,

Folks want to pet me and I never complain.

Happy Birthday to me, today I am 10

My life is complete, doing all that I can.

Thank you Bartons for your love and support

Love, Baron

Featuring the Song “Say” by John Mayer

Courtesy of - 2007 Aware Records LLC


Happy Birthday to me, today I am 11,

And as you know, I’m up here in heaven.

I lived to the fullest, and I loved till the end,

There wasn’t a person I would not befriend.

I watch over my Mom, whose heart is still broken,

I live in her heart where words are unspoken.

There were no regrets for my time on this earth,

I gave and received love, which made it all worth.

I‘ll live in your memory for a long while,

When you think of me, I know that you’ll smile.

There’s one thing I know as I watch from above,

Together we’re bound by a very deep love.

Happy Birthday to me, It’s my end and release,

I’m happy and pain free, my soul is at peace.

Thank you Barton’s for your love and support.

Love,  Liz

No Regrets . . . .